Ask the Experts Q: “Could a 504 Plan Improve My Child’s Executive Dysfunction?” Executive dysfunction is perhaps the most visible and debilitating symptom of ADHD for middle school...
Dear ADDitude Dear ADDitude: What Are Smart Middle School Accommodations? "Now that my son is in 7th grade, his IEP needs to shift from a focus on behavior to academic and...
Free Downloads Free Guide: Easy Accommodations to Help Students with ADHD or LD Download this comprehensive list of academic accommodations to help schoolchildren with attention...
IEPs & 504 Plans Q: “504 Plan vs. IEP: What’s the Gateway to College Accommodations?” "Colleges can provide ‘504-like’ accommodations, but the burden of ensuring that any accommodations...
Parent-Teacher Cooperation Use This Letter to Help Teachers “Get” Your Child Copy this sample letter to help your child's teacher better understand his strengths and weaknesses —...
IEPs & 504 Plans Q: “Can We Include Physical Activity in My Child’s IEP?” “Federal law requires states, districts, and schools to provide students with and without...
Dear ADDitude Dear ADDitude: How Do I Get Teachers to Follow Accommodations? "My son's teacher is supposed to check that he's written down assignments and prompt him to turn it...
Homework & Studying Thinking Outside the Box for Better Accommodations Children's needs for school accommodations change as they grow and move from elementary to high...
For Teachers 6 Easy Classroom Modifications to Help Students with ADHD ADDitude's top experts recommend six proven classroom accommodations to help students with ADHD or...
School Behavior A New Behavioral Intervention for ADHD in the Classroom The Life Course Model supports students with ADHD with evidence-based behavioral interventions and...
Free Downloads Free Back-to-School Guide for the Best Year Yet This free 12-page guide offers an action plan for devising the best year yet for students with ADHD....
Accommodations Overwhelmed by Accommodations! IEP/504 Plan Streamlining Tips for Teachers Accommodations for ADHD ensure student success, but maintaining multiple 504 Plans and IEPs can lead...
School & Learning Ready. Set. Best Year Yet! Use this action plan to devise the best year yet for students with ADHD. Click each image below to...
On-Demand Webinars “College Accommodations for Neurodivergent Students” [Video Replay & Podcast #513] Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#513), download the slide presentation, and...
On-Demand Webinars “School Avoidance & Refusal: Root Causes and Strategies for Parents and Educators” [Video Replay & Podcast #512] Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#512), download the slide presentation, and...