“Fun Ways to Boost Your ADHD Child’s Academic Skills This Summer” [podcast episode #15]

In ADDitude’s ADHD Experts Podcast episode 15, ADHD education specialist Sandra Rief suggests fun summer activities parents can use to help their children with ADHD improve their math, reading, and writing abilities.

Listen to “Fun Ways to Boost Your ADHD Child’s Academic Skills This Summer” with Sandra Rief, M.A.

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*Slides not available for this episode

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In this hour-long webinar-on-demand, learn how to sharpen academic skills the fun way, improve math, reading and writing abilities, organizational strategies for your child, and more with Sandra Rief, M.A.

In this episode, learn: 

  • How parents can step back and control their emotions before addressing their kid’s behavior
  • Strategies for providing structure and rules when working with your child on his or her behavior
  • Developing actions instead of words to help your child when s/he misbehaves
  • Productive ways to improve the morning routine for younger and older children
  • How to use praise to help improve your child’s behavior

Recommended resources:

This ADHD Experts webinar was first broadcast live on June 27, 2013.


Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: www.additude.com/webinars/

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