Dear Organizing Coach: The No Motivation, All Procrastination Problem
Procrastination isn’t just a mental roadblock — for some people with ADHD, it can actually feel like a physical sensation, forcing you to hold off on projects until the moment they’re due. Here, our organizing coach helps a student with ADD tackle her homework assignments, reduce her stress, and better live up to her potential.
Q: “I always, always end up postponing assignments until one day before the deadline. When I do try getting things done, it’s like I feel a physical reaction from inside myself to stop? I guess it’s my laziness. I feel stuck most of the time. Now I am failing my classes… I am failing my parents’ expectations, and I don’t know exactly what can help me.” —StrugglingDesignStudent
Hi StrugglingDesignStudent:
Always relying on our own internal motivation is exhausting. So use the external motivation of your environment instead.
Environment plays a huge role in how we get things done. Are you tactile? Do you need certain pens or paper to get you going? Do you respond to color? Paint your room your favorite color or surround yourself with colorful objects. Do you have a favorite food? Sometimes pairing something we desire (frozen yogurt would be my choice) with the undesirable (like homework) provides motivation.
[Free Guide: 10 Solutions to Disorganization at School]
Have you tried a study soundtrack? Music helps the brain plan, focus, and initiate. Create a 30-minute play list of music you love. The key is to play the same playlist every time you sit down to work. Eventually the music will act as a motivator; when you hear the music, it will signal your brain that it’s time to get work done.
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