
The ADDitude Store

Don’t Go Bananas

  • Product Description

    This game, based on the ABCD model of cognitive behavioral therapy, helps kids identify emotional triggers and explore ways to change negative thought patterns. Players (ages 6 to 12) answer questions about 5 strong emotions (anger, sadness, worry, fear, and jealously) as they play cards. More thought-provoking questions can be added for tougher gameplay.

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  • Full Product Description

    According to the product manufacturer,

    • Based on the ABCD Model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Kids work to identify what triggers their emotions, analyze the beliefs they have about those situations, explore their reactions and look for ways to change their thought patterns.
    • Tackling 5 Emotions: The game works through 5 strong emotions – anger, sadness, worry, fear and jealousy. Players answer question prompts about different emotions and situations as they play the cards
    • Simple to play: 2-4 Players take turns building each color pile. Semi-cooperative play means if someone can’t help their own piles, they help someone else’s pile. Helping build social skills along with working on emotions.
    • For Parents and Professionals: Teachers can play Don’t Go Bananas with small groups of kids in the classroom or parents can play with their kids at home. Adults playing along can help kids see first hand positive ways to process emotions and feel more comfortable giving their own answers
    • 2-4 Players Ages 6-12: A variety of questions makes this game versatile for a larger age group. More thought provoking questions can be added or removed for easier or tougher gameplay
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