Comments for ADDitude ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Sun, 20 Oct 2024 09:01:09 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by achan Sun, 20 Oct 2024 09:01:09 +0000 We all have our strengths and areas of challenges. Having ADHD means that we see the world differently and can be very creative. We often have unique ideas which Is extremely valuable to those around us. Although we may, at times, find it hard to get organised, follow schedule, meet deadlines but we can develop strategies to help compensate or overcome all challenges. Having a diagnosis will help us understand ourselves better and learn to appreciate our own strengths and work on our challenges.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by schierox Sat, 19 Oct 2024 22:48:42 +0000 You have a unique way of seeing everything. The average person misses things that you see and your perspective is a gift. When I found out I had ADHD as an adult, it explained so much to me about myself. At first I was relieved. Now I am excited. I am excited for you. Spontaneity is a big part of it all.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by Sat, 19 Oct 2024 22:42:40 +0000 The world is an amazing place and requires diverse thought to perform to its optimum. You will find your thoughts are incredibly different to many others and that is excellent! The world needs variety to continue to thrive so please bring your amazing thinking to every interaction. You have an amazing skill and we will work together to make sure you can learn how to manage your enthusiasm and hear from others as well. By working together you and the variety of people you come across will be able to make great things happen. Love you just as you are…

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by Gracey Sat, 19 Oct 2024 21:43:28 +0000 Adhd is your super power. Just wait and see

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by mramos Fri, 18 Oct 2024 23:37:23 +0000 You have a special brain that sees and acts differently than your friends’ brains. This is ok, and makes you a special thinker.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by dicksonrg Fri, 18 Oct 2024 16:06:08 +0000 You are stoked! You have been born with a superpower to create and to solve. You will find new ways, new paths, and new perspectives.

Your superpower is a gift.

One of the really cool things about gifts is how we can utilize our gifts to make the world around us a better place, to help other people.

One of the challenges with gifts is that it takes time and effort to learn how to live with the gift. Please don’t be surprised when using your gift doesn’t work out so well in any given moment.

Your gift is a form of art, and it may take a little while to fully understand it. The great news? There are lots of people who can and want to help you get to know and understand your gift so that it serves you and the people you love very well.

You are stoked!

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:34:43 +0000 ADHD brains see the world a little differently than those who don’t have ADHD. Instead of taking the main roads or freeways, think of it as your brain is taking the scenic route. You notice things that others might miss, and your brain is always on the lookout for new ideas and interesting paths. It might take a little longer to get to where you’re going, but along the way, you pick up all sorts of cool and creative insights.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by Steven Mc Guinness Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:16:20 +0000 Your brain is like a race car. Sometimes it needs help to stay focused. With the right tools, you can learn to harness your brain’s strengths and achieve amazing things.

Comment on Olympians, Professional Athletes, and Sports Legends with ADHD by marisat Fri, 18 Oct 2024 12:51:33 +0000 I started the process to diagnose my daughter for ADHD. I believe their super power is to intensely focus/perfect things. My daughter’s track coach who trains team GB athletes & soccer players and says most athletes are, including Leo Messi

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by SuChawaSte Fri, 18 Oct 2024 09:02:10 +0000 I would use my thought for anyone who is unique.i would start by helping or asking them to draw a bicycle wheel with the hub in the centre and get them to add a spoke for anything that they think they are good at and possibly better than most people at doing and write their skill at the top of the spoke near the wheel rim. Then add a spoke for anyone they can think of that is unique and the best in the world at that skill, Art, Sport, Musicians, profession, inventor, making sure they have added the ability, skill, unique names at the end of the spoke near the rim, making sure they are fitting each spoke the same as a bicycle wheel spoke, by connecting with other spokes as they cross each different skill. They touch other spokes in different areas along them, while doing this I will be enthusing the thought of each spoke skill is also a person and the Rim is the best, highest level, and the Hub is the middle, average, standard, basic, normal, common, same, similar, usual, making them aware of society, systems, organisation departments, education, what and how they teach, the method, syllabus, teaching , testing, exams, etc that has all been developed specifically for the middle people, majority, masses, quantity , the funds and numbers work better like that. For the majority of people like the wheel Hub all average standard basic normal common same as most people and such people have been the same for thousands of years and would still be living in caves if it wasn’t for the unique individual skills arts creative different minds thoughts and inventions made by people like us, I definitely don’t want to even think about being average basic common usual like everyone and ok they can do Educated things we struggle with, but that doesn’t make them more intelligent or clever because the majority of people can do what they can. We are unique individual thoughtful people who took them out of their caves. THOUGHT about writing and pens developed paper pages and books and even had lots to do with the subject of the books and the means for them to be educated, so remember that you are a unique individual and if you don’t no yet you will find unique abilities with time. remember that the wheel is balanced and spins true, smooth and freely because all the parts are important, needed and necessary spokes should be tight and secure, share the tension, yes people in the Hub like to think they are better than us because they can do what loads of people can, always keep in mind no one likes to be bullied, thought about as worthless. We are the people who helped humanity, developed and advanced, so we can do the same thing and develop the facts of such stupid ignorance, condemn belittling others . A good example of how wayward humanity is evolving, and the greedy thoughts mentality and admiration of people towards their bullying and treatment of people because of their extortionate rates unfairly charged and taken for things. Everything is viewed, thought about and driven by wealth, power and control and in some way to force things.
Historic and ancient civilizations and rulers thousands of years ago must have had thousands of slaves, kept like animals, fed scraps and rubbish, sleeping where they stopped work, so called modern civilization like we are couldn’t even think about ancient leaders kings and Queens doing anything else but forcing slaves to hard labour.
And shocked to find out those massive pyramids and Temples have been built by well looked after and cared for free people as their workforce.that also had great respect and prospect.
And we fool ourselves in thinking we are far more advanced and civilised, when the truth is far from that. Ashamed, embarrassed and back to the same few powerful people with already unimaginable great wealth, nothing possibly gained that they would notice by getting it or loosing it ten fold, when If it was more fairly distributed would have made vast quantities of peoples lives so much better and that would have influenced and affected others and their lives not directly through gain, just the mood in the air, frown lines on worried faces turn to worry about face from laughter lines.
The point here is that the manipulation of importance and power has been clearly reversed and those who started it are long gone and those left no nothing about it.that is a problem. Going back to the wheel, we all belonged equally and had places and parts that created the wheel, it can only go together one way to make a wheel and needs them all for it to work correctly. Because of penpusher basic normal common average standard usual education that they have because everyone had to attend and do the same thing. When I went to school and spent every day 5 days a week for the last 4 years at school, age 12 to 16 the most important influential development period, finding out who you are. How worthy you are or are not.expand your inner pride, amass vast confidence and all day every day Dumped in the Remedial classes going over the same pack of 3 and 4 letter word cards,
Word like dog cat cage door car bike
For 4 years, what I couldn’t figure out was clear and straightforward to me, was what was the point of doing morning and afternoon daily weekly yearly, if you can butter a slice of toast you are intelligent enough to understand if you have tried to get something into another thing several times and that is the only way of entry, and it hasn’t gone in, it will not make any difference by using force that brainwashing didn’t work on that. But after 5 years of brainwashing that I was incapable of learning such ridiculous small words that must be greatly important because of the vast amount of time and effort gone into me being able to spell them. 4 years intense study on them that I failed badly, passing the highest level plus A Add A plus A+Add And after 11 years and last 4 of them intense repetition during adolescence puberty and personal development, I have no idea why I had been dumped in the Remedial class,I never had a test or anything, I left education with my confidence removed like my appendix and I mean gone nothing not even the slightest idea what confidence was. Self belief, self worth, I was taught the belief of myself I was a useless worthless Dumb thick Remedial and I tell a lie because I was extremely confident about that. The headmistress you to teach maths and I was in the bottom group again don’t no why I never had a test, during lessons the headmistress would ask maths questions and the first to answer left first, I was first every time and she would ask loads of questions sometimes to check, she called me a mathematical genius all the time but never took it further.the last 2 years of school and maths, the end of lesson he wrote the homework on the blackboard so we could write it in our books and do it at home, but I had worked them out in mu head before he had finished write them, by the time he had finished writing the questions, i had the answers worked out im my head a thr homework finished and handed in , I am sure they thought I was cheating. Because I was already judged. I’ve gone of track but the first part is the good bit

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by TeresaRob Wed, 16 Oct 2024 09:57:46 +0000 hey there, you have a very unique and creative brain. You have special abilities which at times will frustrate you as you will see answers to the problem before your friends will and sometimes its hard to share – as this is your brain is like a very fast computer so your hands and speech needs to catch up. This special power enables you to do jigsaws without the picture at times and other times it will seem in impossible to even get one piece in the puzzle and this is because this busy brain want to solve the puzzle but at the same time – wants to replay that game we were playing… its ok to have a bad moment because the special unique brain has lots to do, so just remember to take a breath before you do that thing no matter what it is – just to let all the body – eyes, ears and legs to catch up. Also know that you will be amazing at the things you love to do 🙂

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by cjung246 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 22:18:43 +0000 Anyone can have ADHD. It is not a bad thing. ADHD can add to our creativity and help a person to come up with new ideas. Do not ever let someone tell you that being different will hold you back. Being different can set us apart from others and open up possibilities.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by CK Tue, 15 Oct 2024 17:34:17 +0000 ADHD means that your brain operates differently. It may feel like your brain is going too fast. Learning about your ADHD symptoms can help you find ways to manage it. You have a voice and your voice needs to be heard because this is your body/brain. Tell others (and your doctor) what works for you and what doesn’t. Try new things to manage your ADHD, if those things doesn’t work then try something else. Use your support team to help come up with ideas to help manage symptoms. ADHD can be tricky sometimes but you have the power to make things better.

Comment on ADHD Empowerment Month Contest: Win an ADDitude Magazine Subscription! by dpitman Mon, 14 Oct 2024 21:53:25 +0000 ADHD allows you to think differently than other people. This creates all kinds of possibilities that most people don’t think about, especially when trying to solve problems. People with ADHD are often super creative as well. Put these two aspects (out of many other positive traits) together and you get solutions that others can be envious of. Enjoy your brain!

Comment on Official Rules: ADHD Empowerment Month Sweepstakes 2024 by nubain5cc Sun, 13 Oct 2024 10:08:21 +0000 My best advice to a newly diagnosed child would include to be honest with your parent(s) and teachers. By this I mean that if you are put on medication and you dont feel like it is helping you or if it is affecting you in bad ways, tell them. Sometimes you may need to try a few before you find the one that works best for you. This can be frustrating, but when you find the right med, it can help so much! And listen to their feedback. Sometimes we dont feel like anything has changed when others can tell a huge difference.Outside of the meds, please dont listen to anyone who tries to make you feel bad for not being just like them. You are gifted! Please believe that. You have the advantage of thinking outside the box and you will solve things others get stuck on. You have the gift of hyperfocus or “getting in the zone”. This also helps you find an answer when everyone else has given up and moved on. You are a dreamer and an idea person. This will make you a valuable person in the future. People make fun of dreamers until they need kne. Do not let anyones opinion of you bother you. You are the best judge of yourself. Just smile inside if anyone tries to get negativity inside your head. And please, dont feel or let some define you as a failure or bad person if you have trouble following rules. Some rules, like safety rules are necessary. I am talking about things like being late. Hopefully your teacher will be aware of this and try to help you work around it. I have had this problem my entire life and have lost jobs because of being 1 or 2 minutes late. I could bnever understand because once there, I would work hard, without supervision, unlike most, and most days would lose track of time and stay over finishing things,without pay. My coworkers who always reported me for being a few minutes late, never stayed around to see what time I left I finally found a company who realized my strengths and decided to be flexible about my time and it has been greatly to their benefit and mine. “Ordinary” things that seem important to others (like clock watchers) may very well be more difficult for you, but just be patient and use your many strengths and someone will notice and appreciate all you bring to the table. And if you think it will help, be honest about your diagnosis and explain why you are worth some flexibility. One day, you will realize that you wouldnt trade how you are for anything in the world-and you will feel sorry for those poor average people and the world in which they live!
