Does your child’s 504 Plan contain the best accommodations to help him concentrate and complete work at school? Would an IEP be better? What services are you legally entitled to? Get answers to all of your questions about ADHD at school here.
Popular in Accommodations
Sample Letters for Requesting School Accommodations
Use these sample letters to help craft your own request for accommodations or when documentin...
IEPs & 504 Plans
Is an IEP or 504 Plan Best for Your Child? How to Decide
Which is better for a child with ADHD: an IEP or a 504 Plan? Here, understand the differences in...
Ask the Experts
Q: “Can a 504 Plan Help My Son Remember to Turn in His Homework?”
“You can build it into your 504 Plan to have the teacher contact you if your son has missing homework...
Guest Blogs
5 Steps to College Accommodations
“The first question parents usually ask is, ‘How do we transfer my child’s IEP or 504 Plan to...
Guest Blogs
Real IEP Accommodations That Really Work
ADDitude readers share the school accommodations — plus crafty IEP tips and tricks — that help their...
IEPs & 504 Plans
Q: “Can We Request Another IEP Meeting If Accommodations Aren’t Working?”
“Annual IEP meetings are a minimum, and you have the right to convene an IEP meeting at...
Guest Blogs
Quiet, Sustained Attention Is Not Natural for Our Kids. Here’s What Is.
It's not always realistic to expect students with ADHD to sit quietly absorbing and processing...
Ask the Experts
Q: What High School Accommodations Make the Biggest Impact?
ADHD symptoms shift throughout adolescence, which means the school accommodations that helped your...
Dear Teen Parenting Coach
Q: “How Do I Get My Embarrassed Teen to Use Her ADHD Accommodations?”
Parents should perpetually assess the value added (or lost) by using resource room services. If your...
Learning Apps & Tools
15 Best Assistive Learning Tools for Students with ADHD
Does your child or teen have ADHD? Whether they struggle with time management or need to work on...
IEPs & 504 Plans
How to Get an IEP: Step 8 – Map Out ADHD Accommodations
What ADHD accommodations work best in an IEP or 504 Plan? The answer depends on your child's specific...
Guest Blogs
“Don’t Let Your Child Be Saddled with Band-Aid Accommodations”
Are your child’s IEP accommodations really helping him grow as ...
“Can the School Adjust My Child’s IEP Without Our Consent?”
"The school's IEP team wants to change my daughter's plan after several parents complained that her...
High School
50 High School Accommodations for Every ADHD Challenge
The right to a level playing field doesn’t end after elementary school. Here are some of the most...
“These Classroom Accommodations Really Helped My Child”
Which classroom accommodations work best for students with ADHD? The creative solutions that...